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Redfish caught on a kayak
School of fish underwater
redfish caught on spinnerbait
Closeup of a little tunny (aka false albacore)
Bonefish in the Bahamas
Northwest Pacific yellow eye rockfish
Dead baits used to catch a number of fish species

Fishing Boats

Scout 330 LXF running shot
Grady-White with Yamaha 350s
Triple Yamaha outboards
Newport NT300 Tilted on Canoe
bull redfish catch
Record Striped Bass
Tarpon on the hook in Key West

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inshore spinning rods
Garmin EchoMap at the helm
Redfish eating swimbait
Tarpon caught with bait rigged on leader
Boat with dual outboards

Fishing Videos


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Learn more about the top fishing destinations every angler should know. Our fishing guide experts share tips and discuss their best fishing trips from around the world. If you’re looking to plan a fishing excursion, but don’t want the hassle of booking everything yourself, check out our fishing packages with Sport Fishing Expeditions or Marlin Expeditions, where you will fish alongside local captains and professional anglers for an unforgettable, personalized fishing experience.

Catch and release Mediterranean trout
Bonefish in the Bahamas
Fishing for Atlantic Salmon on the the River Tay
World's Greatest Flats-Fishing Destinations
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